
The NTUCB has grown to incorporate twelve (12) affiliated trade unions along with one (1) honorary member in Belize.

APSSM - Association of Public Service Senior Managers

The Association of Public Service Senior Managers (APSSM) is one of several unions currently in dialogue with the government over the proposed ten percent cut in salaries. The APSSM caters to the government’s heads of departments and senior public officers. The association’s President Sharon Fraser told Love News in a recent interview that in addition to the salary cut there is the proposal to cut the entertainment allowance.

BCWU - Belize Communication Workers Union

BCWU is a nongovernmental organization and is the recognized Bargaining Agent for Workers in the Com

BCWU Facebook

BEWU - Belize Energy Workers Union

The Belize Energy Workers Union is made up of members who are employees of BEL.

BEWU Facebook

BNTU - Belize National Teachers Union

The Belize National Teachers’ Union (BNTU) is a legally registered and recognized union representing teachers and employed persons of educational institutions at all levels in the country of Belize.

Before July, 1970 there were two separate teachers organizations known as the British Honduras Union of Teachers’ (BHUT) and the Catholic Education Association (CEA). On July 20th, 1970, the teachers of Belize felt the need to have one union of teachers and so the Catholic Education Association so the Catholic Association was dissolved and its members were amalgamated to the BHUT. The new body was known as the National Teachers’ Union (NTU). In 1976, a new constitution was adopted and the name of our union was changed to its present name of Belize National Teachers’ Union (BNTU).

BNTU Facebook

BPTU - Belize Progressive Teachers Union

The Belize Progressive Teachers Union is an organization of working educators who unite to get right

BPTU Facebook

BWSWU - Belize Water Services Workers Union

A union acting on behalf of the workers of Belize Water Services.

CWU - Christian Workers Union

The Christian Workers’ Union is a trade union in Belize. It was founded in 1963. As of 2006, CWU claimed a membership of 2,500. It was a member of the International Trade Union Confederation, but withdrew in November 2009.

CWU Facebook

KHMHAWU - Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital Authority Workers Union

The Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital Authority (KHMHA) Worker’s Union was originally established in 2014. This year they have worked to reestablish the union as the sole collective bargaining agent for the over 500 registered members. We spoke with representatives of the union who explained that their next priority is to secure union representation on the KHMH Board.

NSUB - National Student Union of Belize (Honorary Member)

The NSUB shall represent, support and empower tertiary level students of Belize to contribute to the continuous improvement in the quality of tertiary level education and to the development and prosperity of Belize.

NSUB WebsiteNSUB FacebookNSUB Instagram

PSU - Public Service Union of Belize

The Public Service Union of Belize is the second oldest public service union in the Caribbean. One of a trade union’s main aim is to protect and advance the interests of its members in the workplace.

PSU WebsitePSU Facebook

SWU - Southern Workers Union

The Southern Workers Union is a certified bargaining agent for employees of the Dangriga Town Council.

UBFSU - University of Belize Faculty and Staff Union

The UBFSU is the certified and sole bargaining agent for the Faculty and Staff of the University of Belize

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